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Bildschirmfoto 2020-10-01 um 20.06.38.png

Diese Tour hat mich inspiriert, einmal hier Ferien zu machen ( Berner Oberland ).  Stefan F.

Auch für mich war es ein super Tag mit tollen Leuten, hat riesen Spass gemacht. Vielen Dank auch für deine Unterstützung bei meinem Schaltproblem.   Martin H.

I rode my bike 430km! Never really thought about it, and just said yes when I heard about the #SWISSULTIMATE400#firstedition. The concept finalizes the date within a defined week based on the weather forecast. Seeing the group was a little older than me, I expected a relaxed day, seeing some amazing views, and being exhausted. From the start at 4am, the hammer was down! I stayed conservative to ensure I would make it. Thinking the group must get tired at some point, I was surprised they only seemed to get stronger!

Adam Th.

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